We have served the children of Tennessee for over two decades. Through our KidSight Outreach vision screening program, we have provided free vision screenings to over 700,000 children in Tennessee.
Tennessee Lions Charities, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Grants and Business Partnerships
Over the years, Tennessee Lions Charities has received funding from several foundations in support of our KidSight Outreach vision screening program. We have also received donations from businesses that recognize the benefits that our KidSight Outreach program provides to the children of Tennessee.
In the next decade, we would like to expand our partnerships with businesses and foundations. Our KidSight Outreach vision screening program has been successful for over two decades due in large part to our unique volunteer structure. Our volunteers are spread across the state, and they work within their local communities allowing for equal attention to be paid to Tennessee's small, rural communities and larger cities. Our vision screenings offer an opportunity for civic minded employees to see their charitable contributions at work.
If your business is interested in hosting or participating in a KidSight Outreach vision screening in your community, please reach out to our staff. If you or your business interested in supporting our KidSight Outreach program review our Support Guide.
Current Foundation and Business Supporters

The T&T Family Foundation
The Melrose Foundation
The Clarke Charitable Foundation
The Ray C. McKinley Foundation
Previous Foundation and Business Supporters

The Mooneyhan Family Foundation

The Held Foundation
Dorothy C. Frist Foundation